Follow me on there, too!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Future Boyfriend.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Congrats FHS c/o 2009
I didnt get to lei all the people that I wanted to lei. But most of them that I planned to lei, i leid. Credit to Cjay for taking the pictures.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Good Bye Sophomore Year.
& So in the beginning this was us:
Along the way, our group was down by one person, after the next.
Because yes, drama still exists in Sophomore year.
& Though we might have lost a handful, we gained a few.
However, We were down by two people, Maria & Theresa Tran, for a very different reason-they departed to Alaska. ;( We miss them! & We hope for a reunion w/ them soon :D
Looking back, some of us can't believe how we're friends, because in the past we did not have any interaction whats so ever. I'm glad with how things had turned out in the end because I love my girls, we're all meant to be together!
Most memorable: It would have to be my birthday. After school, & while still in school, right when the bell rang, I was attacked with chocolate syrup with atleast 5 bottles. It turned out to be a big mess, well, I was the big mess in the end.
Looking Ahead: I expect challenging classes next year, Alg 2& Chemistry in particular. + College search begins.
OH, time is flying by quicker that what I expected.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Date Set:
November 22 is not only going to be my 16th birthday, but it's just two days after New Moon comes out! & Though it is 5 months far from now, it's never to early to plan.
Definitely Number 1 on my list: movie night to watch the
oh-so-very-handsome Taylor Lautner in New Moon. =D
I did not just read the book for nothing. The movie better be as good.
Definitely Number 1 on my list: movie night to watch the
oh-so-very-handsome Taylor Lautner in New Moon. =D
I did not just read the book for nothing. The movie better be as good.
Good thing the school does not block the blogger website, because meanwhile I can blog about something, while I wait for an hour more 'till school is done. I just finished my keboarding exam & it was a 'piece of cake!' Our exam was to create a portfolio. The first part of the exam was to create a title page, then fillout the table of contents--describing each of the 10 assignments listed. Next, we needed to refer back to the Microsoft Excel gradesheet inorder for us to fill out the points we earned for each assignment. Lastly, arrange all assignments in order.
My period one exam (health) consited 40 questions, which majority was True or False + a 6 paragraph essay on Oscar the cat who can predict a patient's impendening death. (sounds crippy, huh?)I can't say that I excelled this exam because the questions were stupid, but I did okay. Hopefully my six paragraph essay, + a little kiss-ass* to the teacher (dusting her room, aranging her books) will help me. :]
Tomorrow is the day I dread because I will be taking my math and business exam.
Math Gods, help a sister out! !!!
My period one exam (health) consited 40 questions, which majority was True or False + a 6 paragraph essay on Oscar the cat who can predict a patient's impendening death. (sounds crippy, huh?)I can't say that I excelled this exam because the questions were stupid, but I did okay. Hopefully my six paragraph essay, + a little kiss-ass* to the teacher (dusting her room, aranging her books) will help me. :]
Tomorrow is the day I dread because I will be taking my math and business exam.
Math Gods, help a sister out! !!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A wise girl kisses but doesn't love,
listens but doesn't believe,
and leaves before she is left.
-Marilyn Monroe
Maybe I'm not so wise after all? Haha.
listens but doesn't believe,
and leaves before she is left.
-Marilyn Monroe
Maybe I'm not so wise after all? Haha.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Gettin' High
No, not that kind of "high" from drugs. But just the natural high, for high waisted dresses, shorts & skirts. As said on "High-waited skirts, pants, shorts dominate this season. Simple lines help create a very feminine silhouette, and another good thing is that high-waited clothes stress your waist line making it more alluring." I love my high waisted shorts (one in the navy shown below + my gray ones [not shown below])

From Top left: Anji, Jan, I;
Anji & I; Jan & I;
Roanne & I (may day 2009)
Anji & I; Jan & I;
Roanne & I (may day 2009)
So go, get high too! ;]
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Not Anymore.

(est. 05-09-08) But truth be told, I am fine, really.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thats Cold
The weather ain't as cold compared to the shit your doing to me, cause "you cut me deep, bitch..."
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Babe says that it's all "about the comfort." Adding that, I shouldn't have used it. But I couldn't just let it go to waste. I say it was a fashion sacrifice. ;]
Sunday, March 29, 2009
In the way.
I can't recall the last time I had a real-night-conversation-phone-call. You know, the kind that doesn't have lonnnnggg silence and when both people are closely attentive to each other. When he's choosing to do something else, or when he's out somewhere, the odds are, this type of phone call won't happen, it barely does. And it sucks for me, because I have high hopes to rekindle communication, which has become less continuously, but somewhat unsteadily. I try to roll with these punches, the things that get in the way.
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hopeful plans to fulfill during spring break:
(*) Updated.
- Have a girl's dinner out, dressed up, to experience a "the hills" moment, (the girls on that show do alot of dinner-outings)
- Hang-outs with babe. *March 24.
- Shopping.
- Cosmic Bowling.
- Jet skiing w/ friends & babe.
- Water-Park.
- Sister outings.
- Go to one of babe's mma practice.
- Buy a book, preferably the last two edition of the Twilight Saga.
- Make use of my yogurt land gift card, which I got in December.
- Watch a movie.
- Come Whiter.
(*) Updated.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"Play the Game."
That's what someone once told me today.
Of course, there was more that was said after the "play the game" part.
It's as if he was giving me some sort of advice that was meant to be said to make me realize even more just how much "i give in."
So, babe just left to practice.
& he suggested that I should watch a movie,
perhaps Notorious (on so i don't get bored while his out.
I guess, I might just do that, plus eat cream puffs & bagel bites,
since I literally have nothing to do.
Finally, finished correcting every assignment/tests/quizzes for math today during thirdperiod!
School was the usual, boring and hot.
Of course, there was more that was said after the "play the game" part.
It's as if he was giving me some sort of advice that was meant to be said to make me realize even more just how much "i give in."
So, babe just left to practice.
& he suggested that I should watch a movie,
perhaps Notorious (on so i don't get bored while his out.
I guess, I might just do that, plus eat cream puffs & bagel bites,
since I literally have nothing to do.
Finally, finished correcting every assignment/tests/quizzes for math today during thirdperiod!
School was the usual, boring and hot.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I remember when wearing green was a 'must' in elementary,
and when you ain't wearing the color, you get pinched by everybody,
and they say "your suppose to wear green" as a matter-a-factly.
But I guess some are still 'ST. PATRICK'S DAY spirited', because I swear, many students (mostly ninth graders) were wearing green today.
Anyways, babe and I are on our second week of following our compromise-spend time on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Tuesdays & Thursdays because school ends early (1:40 ish) and the more time we get to spend together, compared to a Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 3:00 schedule. (now-a-days, he has to get home at five because he has practice at 6:30 ish) We ended up, nowhere else, but McDonald's. Though, this wasn't a good day. "We get to spend time together today, we shouldn't be arguing.." -_-
I remember when wearing green was a 'must' in elementary,
and when you ain't wearing the color, you get pinched by everybody,
and they say "your suppose to wear green" as a matter-a-factly.
But I guess some are still 'ST. PATRICK'S DAY spirited', because I swear, many students (mostly ninth graders) were wearing green today.
Anyways, babe and I are on our second week of following our compromise-spend time on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Tuesdays & Thursdays because school ends early (1:40 ish) and the more time we get to spend together, compared to a Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 3:00 schedule. (now-a-days, he has to get home at five because he has practice at 6:30 ish) We ended up, nowhere else, but McDonald's. Though, this wasn't a good day. "We get to spend time together today, we shouldn't be arguing.." -_-
Monday, March 16, 2009
Nowadays, I find myself trying to be busy so that I don't dare to look at the clock. Usually, I would try to get all my homework done by going home early, roughly around 3 o'clock, and then be done by 5 or 6 o'clock. But since my boyfriend has a new hobby, (well soon-to-be hobby since he just started a week ago, and doing something for a week is not long enough to be considered a hobby, i think), I procrastinate purposely, so that I have something to do through out the duration that my boyfriend is out at practice. Hence, I would finish right around when his done with practice. I find this method helpful.
BUT, I do have days where I have nothing to do, (nothing as in anything school related). Exhibit A: Tonight. & Yet again I just sit, wait, wish. One, I don't have any homework to do. Two, it's only 8:37 and babe doesn't end till 9:30. Three, I'm not yet sleepy, though sleeping may be a good thing to do right now since I haven't gotten enough sleep for the past few days due to waiting-till-he-finishes-practice-gets-home-and-calls-me circumstances.
Other than that, four more days 'till Spring Break! :]
BUT, I do have days where I have nothing to do, (nothing as in anything school related). Exhibit A: Tonight. & Yet again I just sit, wait, wish. One, I don't have any homework to do. Two, it's only 8:37 and babe doesn't end till 9:30. Three, I'm not yet sleepy, though sleeping may be a good thing to do right now since I haven't gotten enough sleep for the past few days due to waiting-till-he-finishes-practice-gets-home-and-calls-me circumstances.
Other than that, four more days 'till Spring Break! :]
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Good, that I got me some Ferrero Rocher and it's delicious!
My favorite part of it is the chocolate covered hazelnut.
Bad, cause chocolate makes you cough even more.
Though as bad as it is to be eating this while I'm sick, I just couldn't resists.
But I had to be sneaky about it around my mom because she's disapproval when it comes to eating chocolate when sick.
Good, I have finished reading New Moon.(I know, it's kind of late reading the Twilight saga since the movie has been released long time ago.) It is officially the biggest book I have ever read! But it's also bad because reading made use of time while I had nothing else to do, like talking on the phone, (rarely happens now-a-days btw.)
My favorite part of it is the chocolate covered hazelnut.
Bad, cause chocolate makes you cough even more.
Though as bad as it is to be eating this while I'm sick, I just couldn't resists.
But I had to be sneaky about it around my mom because she's disapproval when it comes to eating chocolate when sick.
Good, I have finished reading New Moon.(I know, it's kind of late reading the Twilight saga since the movie has been released long time ago.) It is officially the biggest book I have ever read! But it's also bad because reading made use of time while I had nothing else to do, like talking on the phone, (rarely happens now-a-days btw.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Kleenex, Vicks, & Tylenol
I highly hope that the weather Gods will be on my side tomorrow by stopping the breezy weather, because one, i hate being sick, two, I'm running out of Kleenex, and three, I need the strength for school. In the last 5 days, I went from having a soar throat, to having a low voice--which my boyfriend had commented saying: "you sound like Miley Cyrus."-to losing the low voice to the 'sick voice' + having to cough and sneeze from time to time, to waking up in the middle of night feeling hot with stuffy & running nose. Great.
To make matters worst, I have PE first period. & I could only imagine having to run while I can barely breath. The worst part about being sick is not only will you feel dreaded, but you can barely smell or taste what you eat. Geez, would I have devoured the fried chicken that my grandma made, if my sense of smell and taste worked perfectly fine today. But, why bother eating something if you can't even taste it, right?
Whether or not I'm going to school tomorrow, was the main focus between me and Davin, & we both had different perspectives. His perspective was that I should stay home because it's for my own good. "Can't you hear yourself? Your sick." Plus, he thinks it's a "stupid" idea that I go to school feeling like this. I can't disagree with that, because staying home and resting does sound like the most reasonable choice, which I think many would choose, but I just have to pass. I for one, don't want to miss out on my classes, and come a couple of days later, having to catch up on what I've missed. Plus, there will be a review session for my Business pathway core class tomorrow, so I definitely would hate to miss it.
Meanwhile, I am beginning to prepare Kleenex tissues for tomorrow while I am doing this post. I think that if I don't secure and put them away now, I'll use them all up tonight. But, I wonder if I am preparing enough tissue?
Aside from me being sick, I have been reading New Moon most of the day. And I managed to get out of the house to go to the nearby shopping center, (because I was bored at home). I don't think it was a good idea, though, to go out wearing shorts and a shirt with no jacket on, while at this health. I didn't expect to buy anything, but I couldn't help but to bye brownie mix with a sale sign below it. But as tempting as brownies sound right now, I just have to save it 'till I'll be all better.
To make matters worst, I have PE first period. & I could only imagine having to run while I can barely breath. The worst part about being sick is not only will you feel dreaded, but you can barely smell or taste what you eat. Geez, would I have devoured the fried chicken that my grandma made, if my sense of smell and taste worked perfectly fine today. But, why bother eating something if you can't even taste it, right?
Whether or not I'm going to school tomorrow, was the main focus between me and Davin, & we both had different perspectives. His perspective was that I should stay home because it's for my own good. "Can't you hear yourself? Your sick." Plus, he thinks it's a "stupid" idea that I go to school feeling like this. I can't disagree with that, because staying home and resting does sound like the most reasonable choice, which I think many would choose, but I just have to pass. I for one, don't want to miss out on my classes, and come a couple of days later, having to catch up on what I've missed. Plus, there will be a review session for my Business pathway core class tomorrow, so I definitely would hate to miss it.
Meanwhile, I am beginning to prepare Kleenex tissues for tomorrow while I am doing this post. I think that if I don't secure and put them away now, I'll use them all up tonight. But, I wonder if I am preparing enough tissue?
Aside from me being sick, I have been reading New Moon most of the day. And I managed to get out of the house to go to the nearby shopping center, (because I was bored at home). I don't think it was a good idea, though, to go out wearing shorts and a shirt with no jacket on, while at this health. I didn't expect to buy anything, but I couldn't help but to bye brownie mix with a sale sign below it. But as tempting as brownies sound right now, I just have to save it 'till I'll be all better.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
"It Gets Harder Everyday."
So the sun didn't completly shine today. Just when I thought things were settled, we fall right back into our bad habit of arguing. I'm getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of being sick. Nobody said it would be easy, nor did I expect things to be. The least I can do now is to be "be patient" because "love is patient." And, I have to quit being pessimistic because it's not doing me any good.
& When it gets hard, why not go shopping to get your mind off of things? Well, that's exactly what I did today. Independently, I went thrift shopping. This is not the first time I have independently went out to go shopping. Infact, it is the third time. It might not seem much, but think about it, noone wants to ride the bus alone to go to the mall. Most likely, people would call up a friend to tag along. No, this was not just the 5 minute-walk-down-the street-to-the-shopping-center; (I live right up the street from a shopping center) This was ride-the-bus-to-and-from-the-clothing-store-all-by-myself thing. The farthest I have went to by myself was to Ala Moana. It would be so independent of me if I ride the bus to and from Pearlridge. I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
I'd say that shopping does release your mind from thinking about problems your dealing with, although it isn't 100% curable. I also tried eating my mind away, but that doesn't help because I quickly get full.
Now, my alarm has been ringing. I have just missed 7 minutes of the Acadaemy Awards. Idk why, but I like watching award shows. Atleast, I have something to do, while boyfriend is out again. One day, I'm going to get so use to it, that I won't have to feel so pitty 'bout myself. ;)
& When it gets hard, why not go shopping to get your mind off of things? Well, that's exactly what I did today. Independently, I went thrift shopping. This is not the first time I have independently went out to go shopping. Infact, it is the third time. It might not seem much, but think about it, noone wants to ride the bus alone to go to the mall. Most likely, people would call up a friend to tag along. No, this was not just the 5 minute-walk-down-the street-to-the-shopping-center; (I live right up the street from a shopping center) This was ride-the-bus-to-and-from-the-clothing-store-all-by-myself thing. The farthest I have went to by myself was to Ala Moana. It would be so independent of me if I ride the bus to and from Pearlridge. I don't think I'm ready for that yet.
I'd say that shopping does release your mind from thinking about problems your dealing with, although it isn't 100% curable. I also tried eating my mind away, but that doesn't help because I quickly get full.
Now, my alarm has been ringing. I have just missed 7 minutes of the Acadaemy Awards. Idk why, but I like watching award shows. Atleast, I have something to do, while boyfriend is out again. One day, I'm going to get so use to it, that I won't have to feel so pitty 'bout myself. ;)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
No, not the song.
But the Xbox game.
The game that Davin choses to play,
which takes away communication time for the both of us now-a-days.
But the Xbox game.
The game that Davin choses to play,
which takes away communication time for the both of us now-a-days.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
First, I took my brother to his school's family fair, & it's been the same eversince the first time we went. Played a couple of games, but I didn't win big. Anji was working at one of the games so I went to play it. The game was ringtoss & i sucked at it! hahha, my brother did better than me. The best game was obviously the one where you get to win fishes.
After the fair, headed down to sister Juse's place. We was suppose to have a 'bake cupcakes'+ nails day, but while we were entering Foodland (to buy mix),I realized that I forgot to bring the pan w/ me. So, we didn't end up baking. Talked, ate plate lunches from L&L's, got my nails did, went through all her art thingys, was taught how to give the lashes a boost w/mascara & paper, & fell in love w/ the wooden floors in her room. Haha.
Overall good day, except the night time part, cause I'm lonely (..again) meaning, no late night call. So sad. I think I just have to get use to it. But, atleast I recieve text messages.. not from him,* but from sister Juse. :D
After the fair, headed down to sister Juse's place. We was suppose to have a 'bake cupcakes'+ nails day, but while we were entering Foodland (to buy mix),I realized that I forgot to bring the pan w/ me. So, we didn't end up baking. Talked, ate plate lunches from L&L's, got my nails did, went through all her art thingys, was taught how to give the lashes a boost w/mascara & paper, & fell in love w/ the wooden floors in her room. Haha.
Overall good day, except the night time part, cause I'm lonely (..again) meaning, no late night call. So sad. I think I just have to get use to it. But, atleast I recieve text messages.. not from him,* but from sister Juse. :D
Friday, February 6, 2009
I busted my butt today in school, esp for period3--finished worksheets that i needed to correct + homework, so I won't have to do math work during the weekend, HORRAY! :D & part of why I felt the urge to finish my work, was 'cause Justine (sister) & I, will finally have our planned nails + bake day. Oh & I have to take my brother to his school's fair. =D
Anyways, afterschool I headed straight to my orthodontist. It's been 11 months now since I've had braces. Damn, so fast!! Right now, my bottom teeth is kind of tight, cause my orothodontist adjusted it that way. Oh, & i finally got to buy a geometry book from Barnes & Noble, since we're not allowed to take home our school's geometry book, + a blouse from Forever21. I've noticed that the style is like tribe-ish/american indian-ish. The style is relevant to our group name. hahha.
& i could've been reading this book,(which i regret not buying):
Anyways, afterschool I headed straight to my orthodontist. It's been 11 months now since I've had braces. Damn, so fast!! Right now, my bottom teeth is kind of tight, cause my orothodontist adjusted it that way. Oh, & i finally got to buy a geometry book from Barnes & Noble, since we're not allowed to take home our school's geometry book, + a blouse from Forever21. I've noticed that the style is like tribe-ish/american indian-ish. The style is relevant to our group name. hahha.
& i could've been reading this book,(which i regret not buying):

Thursday, February 5, 2009
- Irritated by teachers that don't explain assignments clear enough, & expects students to learn it on their own.
- Irritated by people that don't know how to be quiet in class, even when told to stop talking.
- Irritated by people that don't listen.
- Irritated by people that make like. seriously, STOP.
- Irritated when there's nothing good to eat.
- Irritated when there's nothing to watch on TV.
- Irritated by low scores (in math).
- Irritated when I hear stupid songs that talk about sex and drugs.
- Irritated when the wind blows hard & flips my umbrella.
- Irritated when I can't open my locker.
- Irritated by my procrastination.
- Irritated when someones bugs me, especially when I've got my hands full.
- Irritated when people act like they made something up.
- Irritated with laziness.
- Irritated with boring people in my keyboarding class.
- Irritated when my ipod is low battery, esp. when i'm bored in school.
- Irritated when my mom yells.
- Irritated with slow Internet.
- Irritated when I lose one of my supplies, esp. my eraser or my white out.
- Irritated when I take too long to figure out what to wear for school.
& this is pretty self-explanatory.
Monday, February 2, 2009
YAY! ;P usually, I would have geometry problems to solve for homework, but since we did things a little different in math class today, I don't have to do any.
So I got back my tests today for math & Business Management, & I'm proud of the results. esp. for math, because the first time I got the test back, I wasn't close to being happy 'bout the score, but thanks to "you can make corrections on your quizzes and test" rule, I got a much better score. but still, I have other worksheets to correct & its always the same ones that I get back. grr. -__-
okay, besides from school work, today, it seemed that not only was the day cold, but relationships were too, literally. today, lovely, aizerie, jackie & i, headed to Zippy's afterschool & we spend a whole 2hour+ there while we talked and had what I would consider a "venting session,"but we still got in a couple of good laughs and jokes. but you know, once relationships turn cold, there's the friends that give you the medicine.
So I got back my tests today for math & Business Management, & I'm proud of the results. esp. for math, because the first time I got the test back, I wasn't close to being happy 'bout the score, but thanks to "you can make corrections on your quizzes and test" rule, I got a much better score. but still, I have other worksheets to correct & its always the same ones that I get back. grr. -__-
okay, besides from school work, today, it seemed that not only was the day cold, but relationships were too, literally. today, lovely, aizerie, jackie & i, headed to Zippy's afterschool & we spend a whole 2hour+ there while we talked and had what I would consider a "venting session,"but we still got in a couple of good laughs and jokes. but you know, once relationships turn cold, there's the friends that give you the medicine.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Know What You Got.
keeping him closer than ever 'cause i know what i got.
& i know that what i got, i don't want to lose.
& i know that what i got, i don't want to lose.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
For these past few days, its been quite breezy. I like it, especially because I have PE first period, so the less chances of catching a sweat. Haha. But, since my friends & I hang out in an AC operated classroom, during lunch, I get a bit more cold then I am outside. Brr. -___-
Anyways here's little update on my classes:
Anyways here's little update on my classes:
- PE! Today, we ran a 400 meter (one whole lap w/out stopping) in groups again. I'm getting use to the running, since we do it everyday. My group & I were expected to run a 1:50 pace. & we always make it around that time. That's why Mr. Sulu always tells us "Oh my god. what a great group!" Haha. After the 400 meter, we did some ab workout. & damn, did my back hurt.
- Keyboarding! Still so boring. We did a couple of exercises: typed new letters out- w, g, and the comma. then, did a 12 second timing and a minute timing. I was pretty weak on the one minute timing for the first time. Everytime I type out c, I end up using my index finger, which is wrong, because your suppose to use the middle finger. Plus, I dont like typing periods because my pinky always wants to follow my ring finger when it reaches for the period button. Haha. & now, im gonna convince my mom to get me MicrosoftWord, because you can do so much more with that, compared to WordProccesor. I just like it cause its better to do graphics. & I'm all about being elaborate on projects, so yup.. MicrosoftWord will help me to do just that 10x more :D
- Dissapointed in my Chapter 1 test score :( DAMN. but, thankfully we can make corrections, which, you can get one grade up. I was so lost in class today. Didn't understand the work. But its a good thing, I have Jan to help me. :D I was busy trying to make corrections for the work that was passed back to me and my test. Hopefully, my corrections will get stamped w/ happy faces.
- & of course, Mr. Chattergy talked his way from the time class started to the end. I was so caught up in all the things he was saying, that I didn't even bother to look at the clock. Tomorrow, we have our first quiz. I was warned that his quizes/tests are confusing, so I tried to study and understand all the bussines terms that he told us to study + the learning styles, as much as i could.
Monday, January 26, 2009
'No Matter The Weather.'

There's days when it's bright out side, but then again, there's days when it rains. & i know how we dislike those times when the weather flip flops: one minute its sunny, and then unexpectedly rain starts to drop. but what we don't really think about is how we need it to rain to nurture the things that grow deep into our earth's soil. there's nothing that we can do 'bout the weather, we just have to deal w/ how it is. we can't tell the sky when to shine, or when to stop raining, we have to develop patience 'till the sky becomes clearer.
& its just like in a relationship: we're both happy, and at times we find ourselves mad at each other, which can lead to an ongoing cycle of arguments. but that's the nature of being in a relationship. & if we're in it for each other's love, we deal w/ all that comes w/ it, whether we like it or not. & just like how we have to develop patience 'till the sky becomes clearer, we have to develop some optimism in knowing our relationship can make it through a struggle.
& 'no matter the weather', i know, ( & i shouldn't doubt) that he still.. loves me.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Words of Affirmation.
"The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well-being of the one you love. It is a fact, however, that when we receive affirming words we are far more likely to be motivated to reciprocate."
& that's definitely something missing...
& that's definitely something missing...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Don't tell me...
You need space, when all i ever did was give you more than i should.
Every damn day, in school, your with your friends, from the time it starts, to when its finish.
i don't go on calling you to tell you to come hang w/ me instead,
even when times i feel by myself.
Don't tell me that's not enough space.
& Everytime your out, i tell you to call me back so you get to spend time w/ your friends
w/ out having to talk to me..
Don't tell me that's not enough space.
I let you go out, even when i know your gonna stay out late.
Don't tell me that's not enough space.
If that's not space, than I don't know what space is..
Every damn day, in school, your with your friends, from the time it starts, to when its finish.
i don't go on calling you to tell you to come hang w/ me instead,
even when times i feel by myself.
Don't tell me that's not enough space.
& Everytime your out, i tell you to call me back so you get to spend time w/ your friends
w/ out having to talk to me..
Don't tell me that's not enough space.
I let you go out, even when i know your gonna stay out late.
Don't tell me that's not enough space.
If that's not space, than I don't know what space is..
Friday, January 23, 2009
I made another blog because after constantly trying to change my template, there was nothing shown on my blog. I mean NOTHING. not even the header, about me, blog posts, my followers.. NOTHING, but the background color. I didnt' know how to reverse what i did wrong, so.. I made this.
Well anyways, today,
Well anyways, today,
- I ran a mile, w/ an end time of 11:26. It was exhausting (because i'm not use to running anymore) + it hurts more when you have your "monthly friend."
- Managed to turn in most of what i needed to correct on my geometry homework that was given back.
- I had to rush to finish my Bus. Mngt homework.
- I baked cupcakes for my brother's birthday. (my very first time. )
- I feel.. like. whatever.
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